2024 WM Distinguished Citizens Award

In display of community support, the Pelham Council on Aging awards a yearly William McDevitt Distinguished Service Award which honors individuals who devote significant time and energy to the community’s quality of life and provide leadership to assist others in becoming involved in the community. This year’s recipients, Madeline and Jorg Dreusicke, both officers in John H Hargreaves Memorial VFW Post 10722, are instrumental in organizing or supporting numerous civic celebrations and town activities, such as Memorial Day, Flag Day, and VeteWirans Day among others. Both are very active in many Community Activities in Pelham, such as Boy and Girl Scouts, Community Teamwork, Wreaths Across America, Local church endeavors, Farmers Market, Stop 68 Hours of Hunger, and food pantry drives. They plan and host Candidate Nights. They organize and conduct Loyalty Day ceremonies at which they recognize winners of Teacher of the Year, Patriots Pen, Voice of Democracy, Art Contests and recognize Outstanding Citizens, Police Officers, Firefighters, EMT’s, Scouts. Madeline works closely with Pelham’s three schools promoting Patriotism, encouraging participation in Patriots Pen, Voice of Democracy, National Anthem Singing Contests and Patriotic Art Contests.  She encourages students to make holiday cards for Troops and Veterans.

And if that isn’t enough, Madeline and the Auxiliary, with help from community groups and residents, pack 300 Christmas Stockings each year to help the Operation Care for Troops in their mission to send packages to troops stationed in war zones four times a year. Outside of Pelham, Madeline is Hospital Chairman and volunteers one day a week at the VA Medical Center in Manchester in addition to participating in their events and fund-raising activities. Jorg is involved in many state-wide Veterans activities in NH.  He collects and delivers furniture to Veterans in need and organizes Yard Clean-ups for town veterans and their families.  They participate in activities at the NH Veterans Home as well as Veteran Administration Medical Center. They keep updated on Veterans Affairs and Legislative programs and disseminate key topics as appropriate.

In consideration of their accomplishments, the Pelham Council on Aging is honored to bestow this prestigious award on them and formally recognize their contribution to the quality of life within our community. Submitted by Ed Gleason, COA Board Member.

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