2025 William McDevitt Distinguished Citizen Award:

Continuing our annual tradition of honoring former Selectman and dedicated citizen, “Bill” McDevitt, in January 2025 the Council on Aging will be soliciting nominations for the 2025 William McDevitt Distinguished Citizen Award for individuals who distinguish themselves as models of leadership, character, integrity and service to our Pelham community.


The COA believes the challenge to make such an award is easier than one might expect because Pelham has so many dedicated organizations and individuals contributing to Pelham’s reputation as a pleasant, active, and exciting place to reside. We’re sure as you read this article several people come to mind.


The COA will be reaching out in January to identify those individuals in our community who are exceptional in their commitment to our Town’s success and are worthy of this public recognition.


So, at this time, we ask you to start thinking about people you know who should be considered when the formal process starts in January.


The Awarding ceremony will take place at the COA’s Spring Fling in May 2025, which will be open to all!




Ed Gleason

Distinguished Citizen Award Committee Chair


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