Charlene Rains

Pickleball in Pelham: A Growing Community Phenomenon

Just a few short years ago, the Council on Aging (COA) built pickleball courts in Pelham, sparking a community-wide movement that has since grown beyond anyone’s expectations. Recently the courts were resurfaced with guidance from Al Haghdan to make them more user-friendly. The sport has quickly gained traction, thanks to the leadership of Lynne Hildreth, who offered free lessons to encourage participation and Roger LeVasseur who focuses on doing drills with players that want to get better. By the end of summer 2022, there were over 100 players. This number doubled in 2023, ending the outdoor season with over 200 enthusiasts, and the indoor season attracted even more participants. Today, our pickleball list boasts over 400 players, with many younger players yet to be counted.

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Celebration Garden News

Hi COA Members, and especially you Gardeners:
I hope you have had the opportunity to walk around the Garden recently, especially since the Pelham Garden Group has planted their bed. The Garden is looking great, though some beds are looking a little sparse. Some of our perennials did not survive the winter and some have made a tasty meal for various animals who also enjoy our garden.

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