Caring for the Caregiver-A ZOOM program!

This five-week ZOOM program, offered on Wednesdays from 6:30 to 7:30 pm, begins on January 4th, 2023. Are you caring for someone who has dementia? Could you use more information and support? If so, please plan on joining this program! Register with Hobbs Community Center at (603) 635-3800 ext. 5. A ZOOM link will be sent to you on the Monday prior to the class.

Class Descriptions:

  • Week #1: As a care provider, you need to understand what is happening to the person with dementia and do everything possible to preserve your relationship with your loved one. In this session, you will learn how the brain is affected by dementia and the aging process.
  • Week #2: In the second session, you will learn what causes dementia. Knowing what stage of dementia, a person is experiencing will help you determine what the best treatment is. You will also learn why a daily routine is so important for the person with dementia. 
  • Week #3: It is important for the person with dementia and the care provider to plan for the future. You will learn about “End-of-Life” documents. You will also learn what behaviors can be expected in Middle Stage Dementia and how to deal with them. 
  • Week #4: In this session you will learn how to deal with the person with dementia’s feelings of social isolation, depression and loss of control. You will also learn how to deal with sexually inappropriate behavior, wandering and bed sores. 
  • Week #5: In this session you will learn how to make your loved one’s home safe. You will also learn what behaviors the person with dementia demonstrates in the last stage of dementia. You will learn how to deal with violent behavior and how to find a facility matched to the needs of your loved one, if they require 24/7 care. Finally, you will learn how to care for yourself.

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