COA Members, Gardeners, and Friends of the Community,
I hope you have had the opportunity to walk around the Garden recently, especially since the Pelham Garden Group has planted their bed. The Garden is looking great, though some beds are looking a little sparse. Some of our perennials did not survive the winter and some have made a tasty meal for various animals who also enjoy our garden.
Do you have any flowering perennials in your garden which are doing a little too well and are spreading where you would rather not have them? If so, we could really use them to fill in some blank spots in the Celebration Garden. We would particularly like cone flowers, yarrow, blanket flower (Gallardia), bee balm (Monarda), geraniums, salvia, or penstemons. Other flowering perennials will also be welcome.
Please let me know ( if you have anything available, and bring them (preferably in pots) to Hobbs at a date to be agreed upon, and we will see that they are promptly planted, watered, and treated with loving care.
Incidentally, for those of you needing a little help to walk the Garden – did you know that there is an all-terrain walker available for anyone who finds the path a little rough? It is by the pavilion: please try it.
Thank you for helping us all to enjoy our beautiful Celebration Garden.
Janet Ceasar