Community Trail Coalition April 2024 Update

Enhancing Accessibility and Safety on Pelham’s Trails

Dear Trail Blazers,

Pelham Veteran’s Memorial Park trails are ready for you to enjoy, thanks to the efforts of CTC volunteers, under the leadership of Linda Irish Simpson, Trail Adopter Coordinator, who have donated time and expertise, helping ensure Pelham Veteran’s Memorial Park trails are safe and accessible.

Thank you to Heather Corbett, John Cormier and Paul Gagnon, who installed a kiosk at the park. Also, many thanks to Tim Kennedy, volunteer and professional trail builder, who taught volunteers how to build water bars. Volunteers on hand to help that day included: Michelle Cook, Deb Kruzel, Linda Irish Simpson, Rick & Lisa Fregolle and Marc Duquette. They are a testament to the power of teamwork. With two dirt berms, two log water bars, and one rock water bar, now in place, significant strides have been made toward mitigating erosion along the blue trail.

As we reflect on our collective achievements, I feel gratitude. From the sturdy benches that now offer hikers a place to rest, to the kiosk, which offers information about the habitat and an easy to read map. Let’s not forget the good works of Cheryl Bond, Kathleen Cormier,  Beth Jussaume, Roger Montbleau, Joy Turner and  Deb Waters, who did trail trimming, clean-up of the park, research of the natural habitat & history and the installation of bluebird houses.  To each of you, I extend gratitude. Know your generosity of time and spirit is valued. Together, we are not just improving trails; we are crafting experiences, fostering connections, and nurturing a legacy of stewardship that will echo through time.

Our nature guides, in training, are learning about the animals, the history and the habitat of Pelham Veteran’s Memorial Park. They are getting ready to lead a hike on PVMP’s trails on May 11th.  Our guided hikes are not only excursions to observe wildlife and habitat; they are also platforms for instilling a sense of responsibility towards protecting our fragile ecosystems.

Join us on May 11th at 11 am for a Guided Nature Walk at PVMP. Learn about the history of the park, why stonewalls are so prevalent in NH, vernal pools and the delicate ecosystems that suppoort fairy shrimp, the gray tree frog and hundreds of other aqautic animals. Learn about lichens, efforts to protect Long Pond and enjoy a delicious trail snack along the way. If you are interested in becoming a hike guide do reach out. We will be looking for guides for the hike we conduct on the  Wolven Conservation Area on June 15th.

Let’s continue to stand united, fueled by our passion and unwavering commitment to make our trails a beacon of inclusivity, beauty and joy. Together we can and will make a difference.

As Roy Rogers sang “Happy Trails to you, until we meet again.”

Pelham Community Trail Coalition



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