
ConnectShareCare: A Lifeline for Caregivers in Northern New England – Launched by Sandra Knowlton-Soro, MS RN, Program Manager: Relatives, partners, friends, and neighbors who take on
caregiving roles face a whirlwind of challenges that can disrupt their daily lives. Many care partners feel overwhelmed and uncertain about how to handle the evolving demands as the illness progresses and even into the bereavement stage. While acquaintances often offer well-meaning support, care partners typically lack someone who truly understands the depth of their stress and experiences. Traditional support groups exist, but attending scheduled meetings can be difficult or uncomfortable.

In response to this pressing need, a dedicated team from The Dartmouth Institute, including care partners, individuals with serious illnesses, healthcare providers, and researchers, has developed ConnectShareCare —an innovative online
peer support network specifically designed for active and bereaved caregivers of those with serious illnesses. Supported by Dartmouth Health, ConnectShareCare is a moderated, online community offering a safe space for care partners to connect, share, and access trusted resources. This platform ensures that
support is available whenever it’s needed, without the constraints of physical meetings.

Here’s what some ConnectShareCare members have to say:

  • “I value the ability to interact—read, post, connect—at any time. I have trouble sleeping some evenings but would not call someone during those hours.”
  • “I value the ability to ask questions of people who know the unique circumstances of caregiving or loss. Or answer others’ questions with no pressure. Whether I go on the site daily or much less frequently, the space remains accessible.”
  • “Search engines like Google give you facts in a matter of seconds. ConnectShareCare gives you responses from other people who can say, ‘I’ve been where you are.’ This is what helped me.”

If you are caring for someone with a serious illness or navigating the journey of bereavement, consider joining the ConnectShareCare community. Whether you need support from others or want to share your own experiences, this platform is here for you.

To learn more and join the community, please visit

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