Thank You\’s! As always, the COA wishes to express our sincere appreciation to those who have made a financial contribution to the COA. If you would like to make a donation to the Council on Aging, please make your check payable to Pelham COA and bring or mail to:
Pelham COA
Hobbs Community Center
8 Nashua Road
Pelham, NH 03076
In 2022, the following community members, businesses and community organizations made donations to build four Pickle Ball Courts on the grounds of Hobbs Community Center. While the COA still has an additional $50,000 to raise to complete the project, it is thanks to our community that Pickle Ball is coming to Pelham!
Atwood, Dan | Barnes, Connie | Black, Ann |
Brunelle, Viv | Bourque, Suzanne | Callery, Lauren |
Cate, Charlotte | Chadwick, Ann | Couillard, Kathleen |
Craven, Ann | Delehanty, Louise | Delisle, Marlene |
Fallon, Bernice | Fallon, Danie | Feehan, Al |
Ferragamo, Maryan | Genikos, Marianne | Greenhalge, Emeline |
Hamel, Joyce | Harrington, May | Hayes, Mary |
JK Transport & Repair | Landry, Patricia | Leary, Jeanne |
Lennon, Joyce | MacLellan, Gloria | McNamara, Elaine & Michael |
Moreschi, Robert | Morgan, Mary | Mulin, Edward & Trisha |
Murphy, Patricia & Shawn | Nutting, Anne &,Robert | Ouellette, Barbara |
Pappalardo, Carol | Phillips, Melissa | Pike-Church, Priscilla |
Plamondon, Therese | Plant Designs by Denise | Poulicakos, Anne |
Record, Karen | Ridlon, Diane | Ring, Marjorie |
Ronning, Cindy | Savard, Leona | Scanzani, William & Louise |
Silk, Janet | Theoharous, Carol | Waks, Valerie |
Toomey, Yvonne & Walter | Trundel, Ann & Joe | Uncle Moo’s Emporium, LLC |
Zorbas, Jim |
American Legion Post #100 | Barcelos, Maria | Beane, Jane |
Biro, Judy | Borst, Virginia | Digiovanni, Stephanie |
Fletcher, Margaret | Geisler, Cathy | Gibbons, Patricia |
Hackett, George | Hamel, Beverly | Hannaford Supermarket |
Harty, Herbert | Hood, Irene | Kamal, C |
Karez, Brian | Krawczyk, Diane | Levesque, Dawn |
McGovern, Alexander | McLaughlin, Dawn | McNamara, Michael |
Moore, Mary |
Alpha Tractor Works, LLC | Brando\’s Pizza | Brunelle, Don |
Ceasar, Janet & Gerald | Cormier, Kathlen & John | DiRocco, Jeanne |
French, Norman | Glance, Mary | Hill, Dorothy |
Hinkle, Irene | Levesque, Linda | Major, Sally Ann |
Martin, Marie Jean | McDevitt, Joyce | Merrimack Valley Repertory Theater |
Portanova, Judy | Shapiro, Karen | Sidney, Eileen |
Stauss, Donna | Thesier, Virginia | Waks, Leroy |
Woods, Elsie |
Claypool, David | John Lyko Plumbing, Heating & Gas Fitting, Inc. | Lamoureux, Sharon |
Martell, Eleanor | McDonald\’s Londonderry | Northeast Discount Pet Center |
Ray\’s Stateline Market | Reid, Judith Ann | Spenser, Sherry |
Stokken, Martha & Richard | Walsh, Patricia | Wong, Wilman |
Woodbury, Judy | VFW Auxiliary to John Hargreaves Post #10722 |
La-Garde, Hazel | Landers, Raymond & Jacqueline | Moon River Wellness Center |
Pappathan Insurance Agency | Pelham Healthcare Associates | Pitts, Donna |
Sweetser, Elaine | Takesian, Charlene & Harold Lynde |
$1,000 -$2,000
Beauty Cottage Salon | Boston Concrete Company | Fournier, Cynthia & Daniel |
Gagnon, Paul & La-Garde, Yvonne | Hildreth, Lynne & Bruce | Lamoureux, Robert |
Levasseur, Robert | Pelham Community Spirit, Inc. | Pelham Good Neighbor Fund |
Arrow Container Service, LLC | Croteau, Jason. RGA Tire & Auto Repair | Hirsh, Doug, Logging & Lumber |
Mara, John & Sheryl | Pelham Parks & Recreation Department | Plomaritis, Titus |
Renda, Ted, 360 SportsScape |
$10,000 Pelham NH Council on Aging
$20,000 River Casino & Sports Bar, Nashua