Your donation to Pelham, NH COA brings us a little closer toward a just, inclusive, age-friendly community that is better for all of us along life’s journey!

The Council on Aging solicits and trains volunteers to: support services at Hobbs Community Center; staff COA sponsored activities and; work on community projects. Annually the COA provides over 8,000 hours of volunteer service saving our community thousands of dollars in staff wages. Volunteers are needed to teach exercise and stretching classes, to manage the cash register and process donations at the Community Thrift Store, to serve on the Council on Aging Board of Directors and other opportunities. If you are interested in volunteering, please email Irene Hinkle.

In this world, which is focused on youth, older adults are often overlooked or devalued. We need to change that. New Hampshire has the second oldest population in the nation and there are 60% more Pelham residents aged 60 or older, than children enrolled in the school district. The increase of older adults has significant impact on the need for programs and services for older adults. Please partner with the Council on Aging by supporting our efforts to build a more age-friendly community. Together we can change society.

PCOA Membership Matters

As the COA membership grows, so does our ability to provide more programs and support for our community

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