Dear Friends,
We’re excited to announce that Pelham Pathways, Inc., a newly formed non-profit organization, is teaming up with the All-Persons Trail leadership team to raise funds for a universally accessible trail at the Merriam Farm Conservation Area. This trail will make the beauty of nature accessible to everyone in our community, regardless of age or ability.
Our fundraising campaign is officially underway, and we have a significant goal: raising over $100,000 to bring this vision to life. We need your help to spread the word and make it happen!
How You Can Help:
- Share the attached fundraising flyer on your websites, social media platforms, and anywhere else you think it will get attention.
- Encourage your friends, family, and colleagues to contribute – no donation is too small!
This virtual campaign is just the beginning. We hope to expand our efforts to include a direct mail campaign, pending permissions to reach various membership groups in Pelham. In the meantime, we’re relying on the power of community and online outreach to make an impact.
This project is being led by a dedicated team that includes:
- Brian Johnson, All-Persons Trail Project Manager and Director of Parks, Recreation & Community Services
- Jason Croteau, Chairman, Pelham Select Board
- John Picard, Forestry Committee Trails Subcommittee Member
- Yvonne La-Garde, Chairperson, Pelham Pathways
Together, with your support, we can create an incredible resource that will benefit our community for generations to come.
Please post the flyer wherever you can and help us get the word out. Thank you for being part of this important effort to make Pelham a more inclusive and welcoming place for everyone.
With gratitude,
Yvonne La-Garde
Chairperson, Pelham Pathways, Inc. for the All-Person Trail Leadreship Team
Yvonne La-Garde, Chairperson
Pelham Pathwys, Inc.
“Connecting Communities, Inspiring Active Lives, Building & Sustaining Inclusive Community Projects for All”