Saturday, October 21, 9am -12pm
with a rain date of October 28.
They said “Build it and they will come.” We did and you have come!! The Pelham, NH Council on Aging and volunteers are fundraising to pay off the pickleball courts and surrounding park and CelebrationGarden.
As pickleball enthusiasts we hope you will join our Fun Pickleball Tournament Jamboree for a donation of $25.00 which will include Pizza and a beverage for all. This event is for folks 21 years and over!
For more details please contact:
Lynne Hildreth —
Donna Yopp –
There will be a Raffle of a $150 Pickleball Paddle with the winner to be drawn at the end of the tournament. Tickets will be $5 or 3/$10. Donations of other raffle items are welcome.
Spectators are welcome and a basket will be passed for donations. Bring a lawn chair and cheer on your favorite player(s). Pizza tickets can be ordered prior to the tournament by spectators for $5 PP.
Tournament Procedures
- Please arrive at least 30 minutes early to allow for
warming up. - The tournament will have a max of 40 players. If more
than that wish to play, or in the event of cancellations,
we will start a waiting list. - There are four courts and 3 levels of play. Tournament
players will be divided into the following categories:
Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced player. You will
play against players with a similar level of play. Each
category will have its own tournament winner – i.e.: a
Beginner Champion, an Intermediate Champion and an
Advance Champion. - Registration will be open from September 1st-10th for
PCOA members only. - Registration will be open to non-members and members on 9/11/23.
- You can go into the Hobbs during open hours (M-F
8:30am to 3:00pm) to pay the registration fee or mail
your payment (checks made payable to PCOA) to The
Hobbs Community Center c/o Sara Landry; 8 Nashua
Road, Pelham, NH 03076. - We will assign a color and number to each player.
- The tournament will consist of 3 games per player all played as doubles, each with a different partner.
- Each game will be played until the 1st team reaches 9 points. After the game, all players will report to registration to have their scores recorded.
- Scoring will be as individuals. i.e., Team B beats Team A
with a score of 9 to 7. Each individual player on Team B
will score 9 pts and each player on Team A scores 7 pts.
Points will accrue for the 3 games. - In the event of a top total score tie after 3 rounds, there
will be a play-off. - The prizes for the Top player in each category will be
awarded at the end of the tournament. - Tee shirts are available to order as an addition to the
tournament and an order form is on the back of the
registration. All orders must be placed by: Oct 1st - Spectators interested in having pizza should pre-order it.
This should be done with the main office no later than
Oct. 16th.