Take a Survey
Updating the State Plan on Aging Please Take a Moment to Complete a Survey |
The State Plan on Aging survey is part of a statewide outreach effort to improve our understanding of the needs of people who are aging in New Hampshire. By completing the survey, you will help guide the development of New Hampshire’s 2023 Four Year State Plan on Aging. To reach the survey, type the following link into your web browser: https://unh.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_cMiO8EzWMmTmRyC The New Hampshire Bureau of Elderly and Adult Services (BEAS) is designated by the NH Legislature as the State’s Unit on Aging, under the Older American’s Act (OAA) of 1965. Under this designation, BEAS has the responsibility to develop and administer the State Plan on Aging (SPOA) on an ongoing basis in accordance with all requirements of the OAA and guiding documents from the Federal Administration for Community Living (ACL). BEAS’s vision of advancing the state’s efforts in understanding, serving, supporting, and celebrating older individuals across the state will continue as it starts to draft the next four-year plan. Your efforts, completing this survey and/or attending either in-person or a virtual listening session hosted by BEAS will contribute towards the development of a meaningful plan reflective of the current concerns, needs and priorities of people living in the Granite State. The new plan will outline priorities for action in New Hampshire related to OAA programs and services between Oct. 1, 2023 and Sept. 30, 2027. BEAS will submit the draft plan by June 30, 2023 to the ACL. To see the current State Plan on Aging or to learn about opportunities to attend in-person and virtual listening sessions check out the following webpage: https://www.dhhs.nh.gov/programs-services/adult-aging-care |